Cell Zero on Repubblica for the Ischia Film Fest.


Cell Zero on Repubblica for the Ischia Film Fest.

Among the most interesting, the section “Location denied”: someone tells the territory, but to denounce.

The program also includes “The cell zero” of Salvatore Esposito: recounts, through the experiences of former prisoners, the reality of the cell most feared of the jail of Poggioreale.

But what of the Ischia Film Festival will be traveling at all latitudes of the globe. Ischia will become privileged observatory to investigate slavery in Yemen (with the documentary “Slavery in the Yemen” Ashraf Mashharawi), the issue of the great migrations (“Endless Corridor” Aleksandras Brokas) and, not least, the harassment suffered by the inhabitants of favelas in Brazil, before the last World Cup, told by Felipe Pena in “If this town was not mine.”

“The idea is that independent festivals like this – says Messina – can help to convey to the public complaints like that.” A focus on the cinema of Northern Europe will screen viewers between Scandinavian fjords and snowy expanses.



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