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Salvatore Esposito News





My story


Salvatore Esposito is a documentary photographer specialized in long-term projects. He is especially committed to telling stories about “the human being” and through photographic documentation trying to understand the profound social changes.

In his most important works he addressed topics such as drugs, crime, prostitution and immigration. His photographic investigation tries to give relevance to the most hidden and fundamental aspects of the stories, thus proving to always give a more complete and in-depth interpretation. His language is direct and without filters convinced that explicit information is fundamental as well as a duty.

His works have received international awards including: the POYi, the Sony Award, the NPPA Award, the Getty Images Grant, the Terry O’Neill Award, the Prix du Documentaire.

In 2008 he joined the staff of the photographers of the Contrasto Agency.

From 2014 to 2016 he was Ambassador of Manfrotto and still today, convinced that photography can change the life in some cases, he teaches at the Manfrotto School of Excellence as part of the photographic project “Picture of Life” where he teaches photography to young guys at risk involved in crimes related to organized crime. With the project Picture of Life he is convinced that studying photography can create a moment of reflection on life and try to stimulate change in these guys.

His works have been published in major magazines such as: Sunday Times Magazine, National Geographic, Vanity Fair, L’Espresso, Internazionale among others.

In 2014 he approaches for the first time a documentary work using video as a language. La Cella Zero, a short documentary film that tells the violence in the prison of Poggioreale of Naples on the prisoners by some prison officers, through the testimony of the prisoners who suffered the beatings. The investigation raises public attention on the problem and helps speed up the investigation by the judiciary. The documentary is screened in nineteen film festivals and receives six awards for direction.

In 2016 he shoots his second short film La Forza del Silenzio that supports the long-term photographic project and tells the story of two autistic twins. The work is an intimate insight into autism and how it affects the life of a family.

He is also author of two photographic books:

– “Quello che Manca”, 2014 (series Logos Contrasto Editore).
– “La Forza del Silenzio”, 2019 (LFS / Sguardo).


  • 2019 – POYi, finalist in the category World Understanding Award with ” The Power of Silence “.
  • 2017 – Coffi Film Festival Italia, best documentary Award with ” The Power of Silence “.
  • 2015 – Social World Film Festival, “Premio Cinema Campania” – as a young director from Campania who distinguished himself in the cinematographic environment – con “La Cella Zero”.
  • 2015 – Sedicicorto International Film Festival, honorable mention best reportage with “La Cella Zero”.
  • 2015 – Napoli Film Festival, Award “Schermonapoli Doc 2015” – Award “Corriere del Mezzogiorno” best reportage with “La Cella Zero”.
  • 2015 – Getty Images Grant, winner with “What is Missing”.
  • 2015 – Salento Finubus Terrae, human rights category winner with “La Cella Zero”.
  • 2015 – Ischia Film Festival, Honorable mention section “Location Denied” with “La Cella Zero”.
  • 2015 – Coffi Film Festival Italia, documentary category winner with “La Cella Zero”.
  • 2014 – Kuala Lumpur Award, highly commended in the photostories category with “What is Missing”.
  • 2014 – NPPA Award, 1st place –  Best Cover category – “Baby killer” su l’Espresso.
  • 2014 – Sony World Photography Award, 2nd place in the category Life Style  with ” The Power of Silence “.
  • 2014 – Sony World Photography Award, 2nd place in the category Current Affairs  with “What is Missing”.
  • 2013 – Ipa Award, menzione d’onore nella categoria “editorial-photo essay and feature story” con “What is Missing”.
  • 2012 – Black And White Spider Awards, menzione d’onore nella categoria “photojournalism” con ” The Hell of Scampia”.
  • 2012 – Ipa Award, honorable mention in the category “Editorial-Photo Essay And Feature Story” with “Castel Volturno”.
  • 2011 – Le Scoop Grand Lille, Festival Europeen Du Journlaisme. 1st place prix du documentaire (prix photo) with ” The Hell of Scampia”.
  • 2011 – Premio Giancarlo Siani, collective photography award of Neapolitan photojournalists in defense of freedom of the press and information.
  • 2011 – Premio Giornalistico Internazionale Marco Luchetta, ” Miran Hrovatin ” Award, finalist with “The Hell of Scampia”.
  • 2010 – Ipa Award, honorable mention in the “editorial-general news” category with “Colmena”.
  • 2010 – China International Press Photo Contest, 2nd place in the “general news stories” category with “The Hell of Scampia”.
  • 2009 –  Terry O’neill Award, 1st prize with “The Hell of Scampia“.
  • 2009 – Px3, Prix De La Photographie Paris, honorable mention – in the photojournalism category- feature story ” The Hell of Scampia”.


  • 2019 – Italy, Venice, Emergency – “La Forza del Silenzio”
  • 2019 – Italy, Rome, WSP Photography – “La Forza del Silenzio”
  • 2019 – Italy, Casapesenna, Centro di Aggregazione Giovanile Cultura e dell’Arte. 
  • 2017 – Italy, Turin, La Biennale Della Democrazia – Scuola Holden – “Gang City”
  • 2016 – Italy, Venice, La Biennale Di Architettura – Evento Collaterale – “Gang City”.
  • 2015 – Italy, Rome, Festival Fotoleggendo “L’esodo”.
  • 2014 – Slovakia, Bratislava, Bratislava Month Of Photography “Sony Photography Award Exhibition”, “What is Missing”- “The Power of Silence”.
  • 2014 – England, Liverpool, International Festival Of Business “Sony Photography Award Exhibition”, “What is Missing”- “The Power of Silence”.
  • 2014 – England, Londra, Somerset House “Sony Photography Award Exhibition”, “What is Missing”- “The Power of Silence”.
  • 2012 – Germany, Hannover, Lumix Festival For Young Photojournalism ” The Hell of  Scampia”.
  • 2012 – Italy, Citerna (Pg) , Citerna Fotografia – Festival D’arte Fotografica “Sguardi su un Paese in crisi”.
  • 2011 – China, Lishui, 14° International Photographic Art Festival “Generation Bordeaux”.
  • 2011 – Italy, Ivrea, Ivrea Foto Festival- Sinagoga Di Ivrea ” The Hell of  Scampia”.
  • 2011 – Italy, Forio (Ischia), Fondazione La Colombaia Di Luchino Visconti  “Colmena”.
  • 2011 – France, Gradignan, Association Saint Francoise Xavier “Adolescence,La Couleur Est Dans Nos Reves”.
  • 2011 – Italy, Barletta, R-Evolution Festival Della Fotografia ” The Hell of  Scampia”
  • 2009 – England, Battle, Ipg Gallery “The Hell Of Scampia”.
  • 2009 – England, Londra, Getty Images Gallery “Terry O’ Neill Award Exhibition  “The Hell Of Scampia”.
  • 2009 – Italy, Rome, Ex-Gil “Lavoro. Fondato Sui Diritti”.
  • 2009 – Italy, Modena, Festa Del Pd “Lavoro. Fondato Sui Diritti”.
  • 2009 – Italy, Naples, Castel Dell’ovo “Why Not- Camorra”.
  • 2007 – Italy, Naples, Metropolitana Di Napoli-Stazione Vanvitelli “Integrazione: Diversita’ E Culture Della Napoli Del Nuovo Millennio”.
  • 2005 – Italy, Naples, Sale Del Complesso Santa Maria La Nova “VII Rassegna Arti Sceniche E Visuali”.



Stories by Salvatore Esposito



Short Films



Salvatore Esposito's


Quello che Manca

Un viaggio intorno a Napoli

15×21 cm
168 pages
photographs in b/n
softcover with book jacket

La Forza del Silenzio

20×25 cm
136 pages
61 photographs in b/n



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