“La Cella Zero” selected for “Italian Short Film”.

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“La Cella Zero” selected for “Italian Short Film”.

“The Cell Zero” in selection for the 12th Sedicicorto Film Festival has been selected for the compilation “Italian Short Film” which is made by the staff of the Festival every year. The compilation consists of the 7 best Italian shorts that were selected to Sedicicorto in the  2015.

The compilation will be promoted at the Film Market in Sofia (Bulgaria) organized as part of the 13th In The Palace International Short Film Festival (8-13 December 2015), and the prestigious Marché of the Clermont-Ferrand Short Film Festival to be held in February 2016, which will be presented at the stand “Italian Short Corner”, as well as in any other European markets in which the Sedicicorto take part during 2016.

The courts are part of the compilation will also be entered into the database www.cinando.com and can be screened as part of any “Focus Italy” (out of competition) organized by festivals participating in the network EuroShort (www.euroshort.com) .

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